NA approves 83 demands for grants

ISLAMABAD, Jun 27 (APP):The National Assembly on Monday approved 83 demands for grants worth Rs 4,573,376,538,000 having no cut motions on them after voice voting in the House.

Minister of State for Finance and Revenue Dr. Aisha Ghaus Pasha presented these demands for grants which were approved after voting.

The demands for grants were related to Aviation Division, Airports Security Force, Climate Change Division, Commerce Division, Defence Division, Federal Government Educational Institutions in Cantonment Areas and Garrisons, Defence Services, Defence Production Division, Economic Affairs Division, Miscellaneous Expenditure of Economic Affairs Division, Federal Education and Professional Training Division, Higher Education Commission, National Rehmatul-Lil-Alameen Authority, National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC), National Heritage and Culture Division, Finance Division, Other Expenditure of Finance Division, Controller General of Accounts, Superannuation Allowances and Pensions, Grants, Subsidies and Miscellaneous Expenditure, Revenue Division, Federal Board and Revenue, Housing and Works Division, Human Rights Division, Industries and Production Division, Financial Task Force (FATF) Secretariat, Information Technology and Telecommunication Division, Inter-Provincial Coordination, Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan Division, Law and Justice Division, Federal Judicial Academy, Federal Shariat Court, Council of Islamic Ideology, National Accountability Bureau, District Judiciary Islamabad Capital Territory, Maritime Affairs Division, National Assembly, the Senate, National Food Security and Research Division, Pakistan Agriculture Research Council, National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination Division, Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development, Parliamentary Affairs Division, Planning Development and Special Initiatives Division, CPEC Authority, Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division, Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP), Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal, Privatization Division, Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Division, Science and Technology Division, States and Frontiers Division, Water Resources Division, Federal Miscellaneous Investments and Other Loans and Advances, Development Expenditure of Aviation Division, Development Expenditure of Commerce Division, Development Expenditure of Defence Division, Development of Expenditure of Survey of Pakistan, Development Expenditure of Defence Production Division, Development Expenditure of Federal Education and Professional Training Division, Development Expenditure of NAVTTC, Development Expenditure of National Heritage and Culture Division, Development Expenditure of Finance Division, Other Development Expenditure, Development Expenditure of Revenue Division, Development Expenditure of Human Rights Division, Development Expenditure of Information Technology and Telecommunication Division, Development Expenditure of Inter-Provincial Coordination, Development Expenditure of Law and Justice Division, Development Expenditure of National Food Security and Research Division, Development Expenditure National health Services, Regulations and Coordination Division, Development Expenditure of Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Division, Development Expenditure of Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division, Development Expenditure of Science and Technology Division, Development Expenditure of Water Resources Division, Capital Outlay of Federal Investments, Development Loans and Advances by Federal Government, External Development Loans and Advances by the Federal Government, Capital Outlay on Civil Works, Capital Outlay on Industrial Development and Capital Outlay on Maritime Affairs Division.

After approval of these demands for grants, the House was adjourned to meet again on Tuesday at 2 p.m.